Friday, July 20, 2007

Here I am...

I have been reading quite a few blogs over the past few days, and I am so ready to start my own!!

The purpose of this blog is to keep me accountable. I am trying to grow as a Christian, be a better wife, and learn to be the best mom I can for my precious 4 month old son! Becoming a mommy has really shown me a new part of life that I wouldn't trade for the world. I have a lot of friends that are my age (22) who think that "settling down" and have kids this young is stupid, however I strongly disagree! I know that if God has something in HIS plan, then HIS will be done!

I am wanting to be "frugal" not wasting money we don't have, and using the valuable resources we do! I am wanting to lose about....65 lbs in the next 8 months. But as I said before, nothing can be done without the Lord, so I have been praying deligently, and I know something good will come!!

I look forward to getting to know all of you out there in blogger-ville!!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Good luck on your weight loss! You can do ALL things through CHRIST who gives you strength! Welcome to blogging, it is totally addictive!